What is Laser Hair Removal?
Laser Hair procedure is widely regarded as the safest and the most effective means of removing unwanted body hair. The convenience and efficiency of the process has made people select the advanced treatment over traditional procedures such as waxing, shaving and hair removal creams. Laser hair removal can also save you lots of time and money when compared with taking regular appointments at salons. By using advanced laser technology, you can also remove ingrown hair which is found after waxing and shaving.

How does laser hair removal work?
With laser hair removal, we target melanin that gathers in regions deep within your hair follicle. This leads to damaged follicles and slows down the hair growth in the follicle. It’s recommended that you undergo several treatments to get the best results.
Can I have a laser hair removal treatment?
Laser hair removal treatment is performed to target pigment. It has the best application in people with darker hair and lighter skin. When you use the laser on people with darker complexion, the pigment in the skin’s upper layer will take the laser and heat up, resulting in burns in the skin. Likewise, removing the fair hair using laser removal technology will produce less effective results.
Does Laser Hair Removal Hurt?
Generally speaking, laser hair removal does not hurt. Most people associate the sensation with that of a rubber band snapping against the skin. There are even methods to reduce the level of discomfort experienced. Following proper preparation and aftercare instructions will further reduce the discomfort during the procedure.
How does laser hair removal work?
The procedure essentially involves using laser pulses that project light into the skin and destroy the follicle of hair. By destroying the root and follicle of the hair, you can prevent the growth of hair. In order for the treatment to work, you must target hair at its growth phase. Since hair grows at different rates for different people, it’s recommended that you have treatment sessions to treat every hair during its growth phase for maximum effectiveness.
How to prepare for Laser hair removal treatment?
Before undergoing laser hair removal treatment, you must first avoid plucking, waxing and tanning for at least six weeks prior to your first session. In the build up to treatment, make sure to avoid medications like blood thinners and pain killers. Make sure to shower before the treatment, and not to apply any lotion and moisturizers on your skin.